Answers to our 2017 Quiz
Set by Dr Sati McKenzie.
There was a lot of interest in the quiz and two all-correct entries were received – from Ian Birchall and Geoff Woollen. Ian Birchall was selected as winner by random draw at the Society’s annual dinner on Friday 21st April 2017.
Mention should also be made of the nearly correct entries (16 of 17 correct) received from Annie Lynn and Jane Davison. Well done and commiserations.
Here are the answers:
- Mixed up in Napoleon’s place of exile? She certainly was with an abbe!
Albine (Elba + in - anagram), La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret - War horse, lost in a flood.
Bataille, Germinal - A hunchback but not of Notre Dame? He was a prompter.
Cossard, Nana - To cut without end, add gold for a zinc worker.
Coupeau, (couper – r + au gold) L’assommoir - Abide with publicity? Confused, he was stationed at Le Havre.
Dabadie (abide + ad, anagram) La Bête Humaine - Mad about cards? No, money was his passion.
Saccard (ca + cards, anagram) L'Argent - Desperate to be hung, he hanged himself.
Claude Lantier, L'Œuvre - He got completely drunk on red wine, what a donkey!
Gédéon, La Terre - A native of Plassans, his namesake was a famous contemporary of Descartes.
Pascal Rougon (Blaise Pascal) Le Docteur Pascal - Miner, hero and martyr, he is feted on 1st November.
Toussaint Maheu (feast day,1st Nov) Germinal - Thin, lacking energy and sounds fat – a villainous grocer.
Maigrat (maigre without ‘e’ + grat - sounds like gras), Germinal - This latter day King Lear was cruelly mistreated by his children.
Louis Fouan, La Terre - This Sambuc had something in common with David.
Guillaume (killed Goliath), La Débâcle - Prussian spy inspires loathing without name.
Goliath (loathing – n, anagram), La Débâcle - Prosper’s trusty horse sounds a breeze,
Zephir, La Débâcle - Danes confounded in the site of this decisive 19th. century battle.
Sedan (anagram Danes), La Débâcle - Don’t be fooled by the big leer. He is a police spy.
Lebigre (big leer - anagram), Le Ventre de Paris
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